As part of our research into Modern Warfare, we have had to research many types of jobs and events that happen or have happened over in Afghanistan, but to also watch many documentaries for the accurate information. One of our scene's in the Modern Warfare section has been influenced by video clips and background research to create a powerful scene where an IED is released and injures a solider.
IED stands for 'Improvised explosive Device', they are designed to cause death by using explosives alone they can also be combined with with toxic chemicals, biological toxins, or radiological material, they are homemade and can be disguised easily to trap soldiers or to kill innocent civilians who are unaware they are walking into an IED zone.
- Package Type IED
- Vehicle-Borne IED
- Suicide Bomb
A picture of just a few of the many homemade IED's.
The Package Type can be thrown from overpasses, placed in cylinder blocks or piles of sand in the kill zone, placed in potholes (covered with dirt), can be detonated by cordless phones and they are usually thrown by makes by not always Adults.
Vehicle-Borne IED is where they use a vehicle as a package or a container of the device.
Suicide Bomb is where a human, or sometimes a child, has the package strapped to their body and is detonated by a switch or button in the person's hand. However the terrorist's aim is not to commit suicide but to injure or kill many civilians and soldiers.
IED's can come in any shape or colour yet they all share common components such as:
- A switch/trigger
- An initiator (fuse)
- Main charge (explosive fill)
- A power source for the switch/trigger and a container.
IED's are the main source that has killed many civilians and soldiers. In 2009 there were 7,228 IED attacks in Afghanistan. 448 were killed in action and 280 of those people were killed by IED's. In 2010, 3,366 U.S Soldiers were wounded and in 2012, 405 people were killed. So as you can see, IED's are the main weapon over in Afghanistan.
Here is a list of Soldiers that have been killed by IED's, many of their deaths were caused by an IED attack or a suicide bomb attack.
A link to real life IED explosion -
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